Showing as awake between sleep stage transitions
planned (soon)
Merged in a post:
Filter out short sleep wakeups as movement
Aaron Oneal
I use an Oura ring instead of my Apple Watch to sleep and it records movement as a 0-2 minute wake up. Bevel takes these sleep data entries literally and reports every night that I’ve had terrible sleep with a dozen wake ups when it’s really just moving my arm or rolling over. I would really like to use Bevel but I can’t without a way to filter out these movement entries or set a threshold for what Bevel considers a wake up.
Hi Aaron Oneal, Can you please send a screenshot of your Sleep chart in Bevel, Apple Health, and Oura? I'd like to check and compare if it shows the same chart in Apple Health as Bevel does.
Aaron Oneal
Hi Randell, it's hard to discern looking at one day, but the trend I notice is that Oura appears to record "movement" as a < 1 minute wakeup and they don't count it against sleep efficiency scores whereas Bevel appears to. I don't expect both apps to interpret exactly the same, but these are drastically different assessments of efficiency which seems due to the extra movement noise or micro-wakeups recorded by the ring. Since Apple Health doesn't distinguish between movement and full wakeups, I understand this might be a bit of a hack on Oura's part to insert the records. But if there is no industry standard for how these are handled, having some kind of filtering control to dampen the extra noise and bring these closer into alignment would make the Bevel experience more accurate when using Oura hardware from what I can tell.
Aaron Oneal
Randell, any thoughts on filtering out these movement spikes recorded by Oura? It really throws off the results in Bevel.
Aaron Oneal: Hi Aaron, we might have a similar ticket that is already planned to fix this. However, the sleep data source on that issue is Pillow, I can merge it to that so that the team can take a look at this issue as well for the Oura users once the team works on the ticket.
planned (soon)
Jared Seaton
I just tried that but the extra awake times are still there.
Jared Seaton: Hi, are you still experiencing this issue on your previous sleep charts?
Jared Seaton
Randell Yes the issue persists. Attached today as another example.
Jared Seaton: Hi Jared, I tried replicating this issue on my end using Pillow to track my sleep and encountered the same behavior. The reason for this is that when your sleep data is written by Pillow to Apple Health, these 1-minute awake stages aren’t recognized by Apple Health. However, Bevel does recognize and log these 1-minute awake stages recorded by Pillow.
If you'd like to confirm this on your end, you can try disabling Pillow from writing your sleep data for tonight and instead use your Apple Watch to log your sleep. This will help determine if the issue persists.
This is a very specific case with the data interaction Between Bevel, Pillow, and Apple Health not recognizing this 1 minute awake stages. Do you intend to track your Sleep via Pillow?
Jared Seaton
Randell Yes I do intend to use pillow. The sleep stages shown in pillow do not have these 1 min awake times (screenshot) between stages. Bevel is actually showing less than 1 min, 22:01-22:01 for example. I don’t see how Pillow is writing that awake time. It’s not showing that in the raw sleep data in health.
Jared Seaton: We've had a similar case with this issue from one of our users, you can check the reddit post here:
This seems to be specific with how Pillow logs the Sleep stages and how Apple Health doesn't recognize these awake stages but Bevel does as I explained above.
Jared Seaton
Randell then why doesn’t the Pillow app show them if it’s Pillow writing it?
Jared Seaton
Randell can you point me to where I can see these awake times in the raw data? I just don’t see what information you’re using to arrive at the reasoning.
Jared Seaton: As I mentioned above, you can compare and test this out by using your Apple Watch's native sleep tracking tonight (Disable Pillow from writing your Sleep stages for the night) and see if this issue persists.
I have replicated this issue on my end and I was able to reproduce this the moment I have Pillow as my sleep tracker.
As to how Pillow writes its Sleep data, I don't have any information to that as they are entirely a different 3rd party app.
Jared Seaton
Randell If what you are saying is true, then the awake times should be visible in Health. Raw data is raw data. Bevel just reads the data directly from HealthKit but prioritizes whichever data source is selected, in my case, Pillow. Correct? If so, why is Bevel not reading it correctly? Why is it making up awake times between sleep stage transition. This isn’t seen in Health, Pillow or the raw data. Only Bevel. Sounds like a Bevel issue to me.
Jared Seaton: Hi Jared, I am jumping in for Randell here. It seems like this is a bug on our end. The Apple Watch sleep stages start and end on the same timestamp. Pillow has a 1 second gap in between and Bevel is incorrectly reading these as an awake stage.
We will add a fix for this. Thanks for raising this issue!
Jared Seaton
Grey Awesome news, thanks Grey!!
Jared Seaton
I tried to delete the data from the Apple Watch to see if there was some conflict but that didn’t help.
Jared Seaton: I see, when you deleted the data from Apple Health, did you Clear cache and reload all data? You can do this by going to Bevel -> Profile -> Scroll down to the very bottom
Jared Seaton
See attached.
under review
Hi Jared Seaton, Can you go to Bevel -> Profile -> Data Sources -> Sleep. Screenshot this view for me
Also, please go to Apple Health -> Sleep -> Scroll down to "Show all data" tap it, and screenshot the view for me.