Cardio load page
in progress
A page dedicated just to training load. This would show the following:
Training “Status” (7 day/exponential average between 0.8-1.3 is productive, below that is unproductive, above that is overreaching or something like that)
Training load (CTL, ATL)
Training load ratio
Load focus percentages (low aerobic, aerobic, anaerobic)
VO2 max
Please include TSB as well thank you!
in progress
Merged in a post:
Cardio Load más visible
Juan Sebastián Quijano Rodríguez
Make cardio load more visible, by adding a widget from the home page and a dynamic widget on the Apple Watch.
Merged in a post:
Ctl and atl on main screen
CTL, ATL and training load show on main screen plus widget
Merged in a post:
Load focus on workout summary page
Add the load zone (low aerobic vs high vs anaerobic) to the workout summary page.
planned (soon)
Thanks for the suggestion Dylan! I think this is a good idea, but I'll need to spend some time thinking through how to incorporate this nicely into the rest of the app.
I do not want to throw a bunch of numbers at the user, so this might be an advanced settings for those who are interested in it
Grey: honestly I think this could be fine where it is — I can whip up a sketch to show you what I mean
Also you could hook it into the activity page as the last row of the summary titled “training” basically it’s a full width grid row that says training status or smth as the header and underneath the dot with the proper color and then “good/overreaching/…” that the user can click on.
Grey: Here is what I was thinking as an initial implementation of training load:
- Base it as a 7 day exponential moving average of training load. So basically you have a moving window of training load internally, and the exact number is never shown to the user.
- You have 5 zones (something like this, can toy with the bounds on everything except the center one imo:
a) 0-0.5: Detraining
b) 0.5-0.8: Recovery
c) 0.8-1.3: Productive
d) 1.3-1.5: Strained
e) 1.5+: Overreaching
- User sees the info in bar graph form showing them the date ranges they were in each of the zones.
I mocked up something for you based on the implementation of the "training" sheet now so this could become a page in that list. Lmk what you think (did my best with the fonts, hard to exactly replicate iOS default font scaling but you get the point)!
Also here are two app-store existing implementations of that load focus information (1st is Athlytic, 2nd is HealthFit (beta):
Dylan: Thank you for the mockups! The chart makes sense to me. My only concern is that Training Load is already a ratio of two running averages. Adding another running average to that will really smooth out the intensity of training over time.
Load focus makes sense. I'll add it to the roadmap.
Grey: the idea is that training focus is more smoothed and less susceptible to daily jumps so it acts more like a trend line. Basically a more coarse and less granular look at your training over the last period of time.