Log historical strength workouts
planned (soon)
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Record a workout (after workout)
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
Woop has an option to add a workout after it’s done and if it isn’t picked up automatically by woop. I don’t know why this isn’t an option on Apple Watch but maybe bevel can sort this problem out ?
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Adding Workouts After They’ve Happened
Harry Wilson
It would be great to have the option to add in a workout after it’s happened!
Thank you
planned (soon)
Grey Awesome! Any hint how soon "soon" is? :)
Claudio: I can't make any promises but it's in the implementation stage.
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Edit past workouts
Christopher Martinez
I think being able to see your past workout weights and reps while updating the different workout plans would be helpful so you don’t have to switch back-and-forth. Also editing workouts that you have already logged.
Hi Christopher Martinez, we have a planned ticket for this and a separate ticket for showing the progression data of your Workouts. Let me merge this ticket for you
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Post-workout edit
If a workout/run fails to stop properly or is missed, it would be very helpful to edit and trim timings like in Garmin Connect. This would be excellent to have in Bevel.
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Strength post workout edit
Being able to edit reps etc in strength after a workout (if incorrect) would be great, like in Strong app.
Incidentally, the UI for editing during a workout is superb, thank you
Michael Davies
As other commenters have mentioned, implementing this in a similar way to Garmin (which my wife uses) and WHOOP (which I have just recently moved to Bevel from) would be ideal. I track the strength training on Apple’s Workouts app for the raw heart rate data, and then I’d love to be able to link a strength routine to this activity on Bevel. Not necessarily to recalculate strain to account for muscular versus cardio load, but to be able to track progress and PRs over time. Tracking this information on Strong just doesn’t do it for me, because it can’t read workout data from Apple Health.
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Edit strength trainer routine after finished/Strength Trainer Toggle
I goofed and had my dumbbells set to use both as there weren’t any instructions on only using one dumbbell weight for the workouts I did and now my total weight is way off. Would be cool to be able to edit routine after the workout is complete.
Also when building workouts it would be nice to have a little blip somewhere stating to only use one dumbbell weight for the specified workout so there is no confusion.
Or a Strength Trainer setting where we can toggle to have the app double the dumbbell on workouts that use two. I came from an app where I just always combined the two dumbbells weight and actually prefer that so it would be cool to be able to toggle that option as users preferences differ.
planned (tbd)
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